Authorization Any request made without the client-id key will fail with a 401 (Unauthorized) response code.

You must include the client-id header in any request made to our api. The client-id is gotten alongside with the API key when you create an API KEY

Request Body

  "currencyId": 0,
  "amount": 0,
  "customerEmail": "string",
  "callBackUrl": "string",
  "storeOrderId": "string"
currenyIdThe currency Id
amountThe amount you are debiting the customer
customerEmailThe customer’s email address
callBackUrlThe url to redirect the user to after successful transaction
storeOrderIdA unique order Id that the store uses to identify each order

Response Body

"transactionReference": "string",
"status": {},
"baseCurrencyId": 0,
"baseAmount": 0,
"txFeeInBaseCurrency": 0,
"totalInBaseCurrency": 0,
"storeId": 0,
"storeCurrencyId": 0,
"storeAmount": 0,
"customerEmail": "string",
"callBackUrl": "string",
"paymentUrl": "string",
"storeOrderId": "string",
"expiryDate": "2024-05-28T11:30:32.669Z"